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Examining mental health literacy, help seeking intentions and behaviours with wellbeing in animal and human health care professionals


Research team:     

Prof. Kimberley Norris, School of Psychological Sciences, University of Tasmania

Dr Crystal Meehan, School of Psychological Sciences, University of Tasmania

Caitlin Connolly, PhD student, School of Psychological Sciences, University of Tasmania

Annie Redgrove, Honours student, School of Psychological Sciences, University of Tasmania

Kristen Will, Honours student, School of Psychological Sciences, University of Tasmania

Contact: or ph. 03 6226 2922


1.    Invitation:

You are invited to participate in a research study examining mental health literacy, help seeking intentions and behaviours, and wellbeing in animal and human health care professionals. This study is being conducted by Prof. Kimberley Norris, Dr. Crystal Meehan, Caitlin Connolly, Annie Redgrove and Kristen Will in the School of Psychological Sciences at the University of Tasmania.

2.    What is the purpose of this study?

This study aims to investigate levels of mental health literacy, help seeking intentions and behaviours, and wellbeing in animal and human health care workers.

3.    How is the study being funded?

This study is being funded by the School of Psychological Sciences at the University of Tasmania

4.    Why have I been invited to participate?

You are eligible to participate in this study because you reside in Australia, are over 18 years of age, and are currently working as a paid human or animal healthcare professional (e.g., medical doctor, nurse, allied health professional; veterinarian, veterinary nurse, or veterinary technician) and have been doing so for at least the past year. Please note that your involvement is voluntary; there will be no consequences if you decide not to participate.

5.    What will I be asked to do?

You will be asked to complete survey relating to your experiences as a human or animal healthcare professional. The questionnaire will be online and anonymous, with all data being non-identifiable and unable to be traced back to you. The questionnaire will first ask you about your occupation type and years’ experience as well as some information about your workplace including location (remote, rural, metropolitan) and practice type (small animal, livestock, large animal; medicine, nursing, dentistry, allied health). You will then be asked questions relating to your knowledge and experience of mental health, as well as questions that assess the way you think about challenges you encounter. It is estimated the survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. 

6.    Are there any possible benefits from participation in this study?

We do not expect that you will experience direct benefits for participating in this study. However, gaining an accurate picture of factors that influence wellbeing in the human and animal healthcare industries may help to improve the health and wellbeing of professionals and assist them to deal with the occupational stressors inherent in their professions.  

7.    Are there any possible risks from participation in this study?

The survey will include items relating to experiences with wellbeing and seeking help for personal or emotional problems. We recognise the potential for these questions to cause some discomfort. If you do experience discomfort while completing the survey, please remember that your participation is voluntary, and you are able to withdraw from the study at any point in time.

Should you experience discomfort during or after the survey due to the nature of its content, please contact either of the following organisations:

•    Lifeline Australia provide support and advice via telephone on 13 11 14. In addition, they have a web-chat service located at The web-chat service is available 7 days a week (7:00pm-12:00am).

•    Beyond Blue also provide support and advice via telephone on 1300 22 4636. Their web-chat service occurs 7 days a week (3:00pm-12:00am) and can be located at

•    You are also welcome to contact the Chief Investigator, Prof Kimberley Norris, via the contact information

8.    What if I change my mind during or after the study?

You are free to withdraw from this study at any time and can do so without providing any explanation. If you wish to withdraw from the study please do not submit the online questionnaire, and exit out of the browser you were completing the survey in. Please note that your data will be removed from the study should you choose to withdraw prior to completing the survey. However, as all data are non-identifiable, it will not be possible to identify and remove your data once the survey has been submitted.

9.    What will happen to the data when this study is over?

Data collected as part of the online survey will be kept on password-protected computers at the University of Tasmania. Only authorised study personnel will have access to this data. The results of this study will be published upon completion. No participant will be identifiable in the publication of results. You will also remain anonymous should the data from this research be used in future studies. All electronic data from the present study will be destroyed five years after the date of first publication.

10.    How will the results of the study be published?

The results of this study will be submitted for publication in an academic journal. A summary of the research findings will be made available via the social media sites on which the study was originally advertised (Facebook), as well as on the School of Psychological Science webpage. Individualised feedback will not be possible due to the data being non-identifiable.

If you wish to discuss the results of the present study in further detail, please contact the Chief Investigator via email (

11.    What if I have questions about this study?

If you have any questions or concerns about this study, please contact the following people:

•     Kimberley Norris, Chief Investigator via

•     Crystal Meehan, Co-Investigator via

This study has been approved by the University of Tasmania Human Research Ethics Committee.

If you have concerns or complaints about the conduct of this study, you can contact the Executive Officer of the HREC on (03) 6226 6254 or email The Executive Officer is the person nominated to receive complaints from research participants. You will need to quote H29113.

12.   How can I agree to be involved?

By submitting the online survey, you will be giving your consent for your data to be used for the purposes of this research.

Thank you for your time





There are 23 questions in this survey.
This survey is anonymous.

The record of your survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you, unless a specific survey question explicitly asked for it.

If you used an identifying token to access this survey, please rest assured that this token will not be stored together with your responses. It is managed in a separate database and will only be updated to indicate whether you did (or did not) complete this survey. There is no way of matching identification tokens with survey responses.